Tuesday, September 30, 2008

"Its not how you started that matters, its how you finished it!"

"Its not how you started that matters, its how you finished it!"

Sometimes in our life, we think too much about how we started off and regard oursleves as failures(if you started off bad) according to our past experiences, failures and etc.

However, if we are willing to put in effort and make the past a past and not carrying it as a load, we are able to focus ourself on the future and make the best out of it.

PAST? Leave it... FUTURE?? Look forward to it!! =]

Remember** "Its not how you started that matters, its how you finished it!"



Geraldo Maia said...

Hello dear Laine,
I come just to desire you a very nice weekend.
Kind regards:

Anonymous said...

yes u a right the beginning doesnt matter most but ur end result at the long run is the most important.